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Thursday, January 13, 2005

Microsoft Kasih Windows XP gratisan ???

Informasi yang diterima terakhir dari temen gue adalah Microsoft membagikan Windows XP gratisan...
Hmm..sepertinya adanya program IGOS agak mengancam Microsoft, sampai-sampai harus ngasih Windows XP secara gratis ke LSM/NGO yang ada di Indonesia.

Info lengkapnya........

We team up with major corporations to donate our genuine software and license for non-profit organizations in Indonesia to support their daily activities. By the end of Fiscal Year 2004 (June 2004), we had contributed US$ 2,702,930 worth of software to more than 50 organizations.

The following are not eligible for Microsoft Software donations:

  • Nonprofit organizations without their own 501(c)3 tax-exempt status
  • Individuals
  • K-12 public and private schools
  • Political, labor, religious or fraternal organizations
  • Amateur or professional sports groups, teams or events
  • Conferences or symposia
  • Hospitals or medical clinics
    Community Health Clinics designated as Community Health Center Programs by the U.S. Department of Health are eligible to request donations from Microsoft
  • Private foundations
  • Sponsorship of events, tables, exhibitions or performances
  • Fundraising events such as luncheons, dinners, walks, runs, or sports tournaments
  • U.S.-based organizations serving people and communities outside the country
  • Religious organizations without a secular community designation
    A secular designation is defined as an organization separate from the church or religious organization that provides services to people regardless of their religious beliefs and does not propagate a belief in a specific faith. Example: A food bank that is a separate 501 (c)(3) organization from a church that provides food and meals to anyone who qualifies for services, regardless of religious belief.

Steps for Requesting Microsoft Software Donation:

  1. Find and fill the application form by downloading Microsoft Software Donation Form (file zip/18 KB).
    Dated 1-15 January 2005, Microsoft will primarily focus its donations only to non- profit organizations in Indonesia covering the field of environment and nature conservation.

  2. Send the filled application form to
  3. Please allow 2-3 weeks for review and processing of your software request.
    Microsoft will only fulfill the requesting software from the eligible organizations
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